Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Slip/ SUn Thrift, Jacket/ Rokit, Shoes/ UNIF

This is the last picture from my shoot with Tish Jarrett. I think these are my favorite. I really like the light bleed. I love those kinds of things in pictures, but of course they always look better when your not expecting it to happen.

I got this jacket at Rokit, in shorditch. I really do like that store, but sometimes I wonder how much of the stuff is actually vintage. On sunday a friend and I went into a "Vintage" shop and I swear that they were trying to sell fake vintage at vintage prices. I could tell by the material that was used to make the garment. Frustrating. This slip (that you can hardly see) is from Sun Thrift. For a while I was really into slips, and wearing them as a dress. I think that kind of stuff is really cool because its supposed to be your underwear and your kind of fighting the power and wearing them outside without anything over it. I don't think its such a big deal anymore as it would have been if you did it in the 50s or 60s, but I kind of wish it was. I love shocking clothing. These shoes are my favorite. If you have been a fan of my blog for a while you have seen me post about wanting these shoes for practically all of 2013. I got them for christmas, and I do wear them a lot, but I never get pictures of it. NOW I HAVE SOME!

Music-Don't Fall In Love, Still Corners


  1. Gorrggeeeouuss!!!



  2. Love the pictures, outfit everything. So editorial and creative!


  3. I always look forward for your next post, and this one is just amazing.
    I really hope you blog soon, I need some music recommendations haha.
    ps: It would be amazing if you could check out my blog for some feed back http://flowersonyoursoul.blogspot.mx/

  4. Absolutely adore your hairstyle! I figure when people think of flowers in hair, images come to mind of 70's waves with flowers either tucked in here and there or worn like a wreath. This, however, completely subverts any of those expectations. Really fantastic!

